Right of rescission
Returns & Exchanges
Returns and exchanges made easy! Changed your mind? If for whatever reason, you are not happy with your purchase, you have 14 days to return your item(s). If the item is new and unused, with all the original accessories, packaging and manufacturing seals intact, you will be eligible for a full refund.
We will aim to process your return in up to 7 days of receiving your parcel. Once the return has been processed, you will receive an email confirming your refund.
Following this, we advise that it usually takes 5 days for your account to be credited with the refund. However, some payment providers and payment types can take up to 14 days to credit your account. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages to your parcel in transit.
At the moment, we cannot provide you with a prepaid return label, and therefore you need to pay for your own for sending us a product you want to exchange or return. Please send an email to contact@genio-innovations.com to inform us about your decision.
The products should be returned to:
Czech Republic
Returns & exchanges of Faulty Products
It is important that you immediately check your order when you receive your products. If there are any faulty products, please get in touch with us as soon as possible via email: contact@genio-innovations.com.
Please note that genio does not permit the return of or offer refunds for:
- Products purchased new from unauthorized distributors, or through unauthorized distribution channels (i.e. eBay, etc.)
- Damages due to misuse, improper maintenance or repair, using alternate voltage source, or unauthorized modifications
- Damaged genio devices used with any conductive medium other than those supplied by genio-innovations
In addition, please note that import duties for a return shipment are not covered by genio.