

When does anti-aging start to make sense? Tips and Info

Anti-ageing is something for older people, isn't it? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. The ageing process of the skin begins earlier than many people think. At what age does anti-ageing make sense? When should I use creams with hyaluronic acid and other anti-ageing ingredients? And how should you proceed in different decades of life? We look at this topic and many practical tips in the following article.
Exfoliation: A Key Strategy for Smoothing Wrinkles and Evening Out Skin Tone
When discussing care for mature skin, the conversation often revolves around anti-aging creams and serums. Yet, another category of products deserves attention for its significant impact on wrinkle formation: Exfoliants. Far beyond mere deep cleansing, exfoliants can enhance the overall appearance of your skin when integrated into your skincare routine. It's essential, however, to select the right exfoliant tailored to your skin's specific needs to ensure optimal benefits.

Strong microbiome of the skin
Did you know that, much like the gut, our skin also harbors its own unique ecosystem? Every square millimeter of your skin is teeming with a multitude of tiny organisms, each playing a crucial role in maintaining skin health. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, and microscopic mites come together to create the skin microbiome, which is far more vital for maintaining healthy skin than many of us realize. Discover how to nurture and strengthen this delicate ecosystem, enabling your skin's microbiome to continue its protective duties effectively.
Enchanting Scents from the Orient
Perfumes bestow upon their wearers a unique aura, amplifying their sensuality and allure. This effect is especially pronounced with the rich, spicy, and floral notes of oriental fragrances. Dive into the allure of these captivating scents, discover their distinctive qualities, and learn how to wield their magic through this guide.
Why self-care is more than beauty
It can be quite challenging to juggle everyday life, your job and relationships. That's why it makes sense to take time for yourself occasionally. However, self-care is often only associated with external beauty or seen as a luxury.
Must-have fashion trends for spring
Spring is a time of new beginnings and renewal, not only in nature but also in our closets. As the last traces of winter disappear, the desire for fresh colors, light fabrics and new trends awakens. In this article, we take a look at the must-have fashion trends for spring that no closet should be without.
Muscle building through weight training
Regardless of whether you want to build as many muscles as possible or simply want a beautifully defined body - without the right diet, even the best training is useless. Because what we eat also determines whether we build muscle quickly or not. In this article, you can find out how you can optimally adapt your diet to your training goals.
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Detoxify your liver and get off to a fresh start
The liver is the largest internal organ and is responsible for the daily detoxification and cleansing of the body. Unfortunately, we often make this organ's job difficult by consuming alcohol, nicotine and the wrong foods. As a result, the liver is often overloaded, which in the best case scenario manifests itself in fatigue and a feeling of fullness.
Trend color Mini Milk Blonde
Radiant light to artificial blonde has been a trend for decades. However, the popular platinum blonde shade now has competition from a new hair colour. Named after a popsicle, Mini Milk Blonde is a touch creamier and gives your hair a hint of summer. We tell you everything you need to know about the new Mini Milk Blonde trend.
Hair transplant - effective methods
Thinning hair, bald patches on the head or even a bald head can be very damaging to men's self-confidence. But women are also affected by hair loss. But what should you do when your hair starts to thin out? Dr Alexander Papp offers a new and revolutionary type of hair transplantation in his practice for reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.
Hair care with nettles
Every child knows stinging nettles. The plant burns painfully on the skin when touched. However, many people don't realise that stinging nettle is a genuine medicinal plant and can have many different effects. Among other things, you can use it to care for your hair and scalp. You can find out how to do this and what the benefits are here.